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Transferable Business Value: Understanding The Role Of A Growth Strategy

Added on July 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: This is the type of value buyers look and pay for. Today we consider the multi-faceted growth plan that most businesses require if owners are to sell or transfer their companies for the amount of cash they need and want for their post-business lives.

Six Tips for Avoiding Mistakes When Buying an Independent Practice

From WealthManagement.com
Added on July 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Plenty of practices are looking to make acquisitions in today’s environment. And having gone through this process multiple times over the last few years, we know that plenty of mistakes are being made along the way.

When Does It Make Sense To Join With A Financial Advisor Partner?

From Nerd's Eye View
Added on July 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The explosive growth of technology has made it possible for individual financial advisors to be more personally productive than ever before, from software to automate key tasks to the use of (virtual) assistants to even further leverage the advisor’s time.

Community Involvement Leads to Client Involvement

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on July 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: My partners and I had been with a big wirehouse for a long time before we went independent two years ago. We expected that one of the benefits of being independent would be a lot more freedom to be ourselves — but we didn’t anticipate how that freedom would facilitate much closer relationships with our clients.

Voices 3 ways to help clients considering selling their business

From OnWallStreet
Added on June 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: While most planners focus exclusively on managing their clients’ liquid portfolios, they may miss a valuable opportunity to help when clients are interested in selling their closely-held businesses. .

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