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M&A tips that can really grow RIAs

From Financial Planning
Added on December 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: RIA growth is "not being realized," Pershing Advisor Solutions' Mark Tibergien said at the MarketCounsel Summit. 

7 Critical Steps to Becoming a Professional RIA Buyer

Added on November 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: From aging advisors, to low-cost online competition, to more strict regulatory requirements increasing the overall cost of doing business, savvy buyers are able to capitalize on these trends in order to grow assets and acquire talent through aggressive inorganic growth strategies.

The Pros and Cons of Mergers and Acquisitions as Part of Your Growth Strategy

Added on November 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Mergers and acquisitions have become a popular business strategy for companies looking to expand into new markets or territories, gain a competitive edge, or acquire new technologies and skill sets.

Valuation Types, Costs and Degrees of Reliability

Added on November 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: It’s easy to criticize valuation clauses in most buy-sell agreements (BSAs) as being inadequate, too cookie-cutter. They can be. It’s much more difficult to suggest an adequate and cost-conscious alternative to the go-to remedy: a full-blown valuation from a credentialed business appraiser.

Advisor M&A Surging to Record Year; Should Be 'New Normal': DeVoe

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on October 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: DeVoe & Company’s latest report on RIA mergers and acquisitions in the third quarter suggests advisor M&A market is at a record pace for the full year. Moreover, said Dave DeVoe, that record pace is likely to be followed by “seven to 10 more years” of M&A growth, becoming a “new normal.” Why is that?

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