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New FidelityŽ Research Shows That Two-Thirds of Advisors Don't Have Succession Plans in Place

Added on November 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services, a division of Fidelity Investments®, today unveiled new research from the 2013 Fidelity RIA Benchmarking Study that found two-thirds of participating firms (67 percent) reported they don’t have a succession plan ready for implementation

Advisor M&A: 4 Hot-Button Issues

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Whenever advisors discuss mergers and acquisitions, a handful of hot-button issues invariably dominate the conversation. And two prominent industry M&A experts offered some spirited discussions on a few of these contentious issues at the Deals & Deal Makers Summit in Santa Monica, Calif.

What happened when Fidelity Investments called 25 deal-making protagonists to its Boston sanctum for a talk about the suboptimal RIA M&A market

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services recently held the inaugural M&A Idea Exchange as part of their expanding mergers-and-acquisitions and consulting program for advisory firms. The sole purpose of the gathering was to discuss the state of M&A and how to better support the industry’s growth through M&A.

Is Buying A Financial Planning Practice A Good Way To Start As A Financial Planner?

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: As the financial planning profession matures, there is a growing interest in the opportunities to buy and sell financial planning practices, both for investors, for existing firms looking to grow, and for new planners looking to enter the business. However, industry statistics suggest that relatively few deals are happening (and are generally only for larger firms).

JPMorgan Tops M&A Charts for Q1

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: This article discusses important mergers and acquisitions including Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital Partners' purchase of HJ Heinz, Dell going private with Silver Lake, and more.

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