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Why Fit Trumps Valuation When Considering a Merger

Added on December 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: A successful merger between two RIA firms has to achieve what I call the Three Rights: the right opportunity, the right fit and the right terms. If you’re considering combining with another firm, make sure you’re comfortable with the opportunity and fit before you drill down into the terms.

Advisors: What Your Firm is Worth

Added on December 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: As more advisors prepare for their own retirement and plan an exit strategy, having information on valuation is becoming more important. Indeed, at some point, you’ve probably wondered what your financial advisory business is worth.

Whether you are planning to sell your business to an outside party, thinking of implementing an internal succession plan to transfer ownership to the next generation, or considering the strategic acquisition of another wealth management firm, an understanding of the true drivers of valuation is critical.

An Unromanticized Guide to Merging Advisory Firms

Added on December 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Succession planning, like one’s mortality, is something advisors are often reluctant to think about. But just as your clients need to get their affairs in order in case untimely but far-reaching events affect the lives of their loved ones, so too must advisors have a succession plan in place — for solid business reasons in addition to mere contingency planning.

Being Prepared to Acquire Another Firm

Added on November 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: For many financial advisory firms, bigger is better.One of the best ways to increase a practice's scale and profitability is to acquire another firm. But just because advisers want to make acquisitions, it doesn't mean they're ready.Advisers and practice-management experts weigh in on what steps a firm needs to take to be prepared to buy another as well as the pitfalls that can scuttle an acquisition.

Myth vs. reality: What is your independent advisory firm really worth?

Added on November 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Independent advisors are inundated with a variety of information surrounding the present and future value of their businesses. Although many advisors do an outstanding job helping clients manage their net worth and personal equity, more independent advisors need to take the opportunity to manage their own business equity. This white paper will provide insight on how  aRIA advisors think about managing  their own business equity and provide  advisors with a tactical overview of the  key drivers of value

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