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How to Avoid Getting Involved in a Bad Acquisition

Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Too many advisors rush into acquisitions of other practices, risking being unable to make the transition and losing clients in the process, The Wall Street Journal writes. Avoiding such pitfalls calls for preparation and self-control, experts tell the paper.

Wealth Management M&A Boosts Business for Firms

Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: CAPTRUST Financial Advisors is in the middle of finalizing its second merger since July after the firm entered into an agreement to fold Parker Carlson & Johnson Investment Management into its wealth management unit.

Time to Combine With Another Financial Adviser? Maybe Not.

Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Some advisers dream of acquiring another practice. Their wish list may include doubling their assets under management and creating a regional or even national presence.Such things are possible if an acquisition goes well. Not every deal is a winner, though. Firm cultures may not mesh, the paperwork may be overwhelming and clients may leave, taking assets with them.

Planners Often Have to Team Up, Take Outside Money, to Grow

Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Planners have to team up – and bring in an outside investor – to rapidly grow. For example: family office veteran Rick Flynn, who’s spent years serving ultrahigh-net-worth clients, just doubled the size of his new firm.

4 Takeaways for Understanding Your Firm's Valuation

Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Market valuation can provide especially useful insights to business owners who anticipate selling their firm in the near future. Although buyers may differ on the factors they care most about, valuation can often explain why one firm gets a high offer and another is sold for a so-so price.

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