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Owners Optimistic About Wealth Management M&A

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: [VIDEO]     Advisors who've planned in advance best positioned to sell their advisory business.   

Solving operational issues from M&A transactions

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary:As the wealth management industry continues to age, the number of advisory firms that will be transitioned due to succession planning or principal retirement is expected to increase dramatically. In fact, 2015 was the largest year on record for RIA mergers and acquisitions, with 2016 predicted to have even more.

DOL, March of Time Spur Recent Advisory M&A

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The pace of mergers and acquisitions among wealth management firms is up, with so-called strategic acquirers leading the buy-side charge among sellers who are in part motivated by the prospect of having to tackle significant regulatory changes.

Supply and Demand, Why the Big Deals Keep Coming

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: [Video] A shrinking advisor headcount across the industry will keep the lucrative offers coming to top producers, leading recruiters say in this video installment of On Wall Street's annual recruiters panel.

What's Really Happening in the M&A Space?

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: We keep hearing all of the statistics and seeing all of the headlines: there have been X number of firm sales in the past year, up X% from last year.  But what’s behind those statistics and what do they really mean to the actual buyers and sellers in the marketplace?

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