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Partnership Equity Splits and Fairness

Added on May 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: For new partners, either starting a new venture or merging their businesses, few conversations are as difficult as discussing what the equity split will be. So, like any potentially messy conversation, it is often avoided. The default is to go with an even split or a split that ensures control to a specific founder.

RIAs: How to Play the M&A Game

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: If you are even involved in a merger or acquisition, it will probably be the single most important financial transaction in your life. To put the odds in your favor, you need to make informed decisions that will maximize your rewards while reducing your risks..​

DOL fiduciary rule could spark acquisitions of RIAs as well as broker-dealers

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The DOL fiduciary rule, already expected to spur consolidation in the broker-deal industry, could also hasten mergers in the registered investment adviser space.

RIA Growth Strategies That Protect What You've Already Got

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Cooper and other experts, speaking on Thursday during a Financial Planning webinar, say that having the right strategies in place can not only help a firm grow, but also protect what's already been built.

The Value of Your Firm Isn't Just About You

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Advisory services don’t operate in a vacuum. The value of a financial advice practice — and potentially its principals’ ultimate remuneration — can be colored by macroeconomics and other seemingly distant external forces. 

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