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Industry Needs to 'Modernize' to Accept Smaller Investors: Schwab

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As Americans’ definition of wealth evolves from a lofty, unattainable number to something more attainable, so does the industry need to evolve.

Expert or Knowledgeable? Which One Are You?

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: You can quite easily see that others have endorsed their work and that they have the content to prove their status. If you have the knowledge but are unknown, have no endorsements or content to support your claims, you are not an expert. Some might claim to be an expert on their website, but sceptics see one-sided, what they call, ‘self-serving’ messages that lack credibility and are therefore not effective.

7 ways advisers are turning off potential clients

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: [SlideShow] Financial advisers are likely losing prospects in ways they never thought mattered, but practice management and market experts say these actions can be relationship ending. Matt Matrisian, senior vice president of strategic initiatives at AssetMark, and Nick Craig, owner of Advisor Fuel, recommend avoiding these turn offs.

Advisors' Use of Digital Technology Needs Overhaul: Global Wealth Report

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Global private wealth gained momentum in 2016, but wealth managers face a host of challenges if they hope to fight off competitors, deepen client loyalty, and put both revenue and profit growth on a sustainable positive trajectory, according to a new report by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Assessing the future of the financial advice industry

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial advice will learn a lot from a world based on efficiency. Let's look into our crystal ball for a moment to see what the future holds for the financial advice industry.

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