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How RIAs plan to spend in 2017

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Planners say they expect to see increases in revenue and client assets in 2017, according to the latest TD Ameritrade Institutional RIA Sentiment Survey. Accordingly, they plan to rev up spending on marketing, business development and technologies such as electronic signatures, the survey revealed. Also in the works: initiatives like more networking to attract a new generation of clients.

RIAs are missing out on a $5 trillion dollar market

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: RIAs are missing out big time on a $5 trillion dollar market, according to Skip Schweiss, managing director of advisor advocacy for TD Ameritrade Institutional.

Decisions in 3 key areas separate top-performing firms from masses

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Elite advisory firms distinguish themselves in many nuanced ways. But there appear to be three big areas in which the top-performing advisory firms (leading firms) have made the right decisions that helped them truly stand out: human capital management, technology implementation and profitable pricing.

Is Marketing One of Your Weaknesses?

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Everyone has blind spots. This concept was popularized in a model created by two UCLA psychologists, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, in 1955—the Johari Window. Now most people are familiar with the model, or have at least heard of it, but not much has changed when it comes to activating the mental strength required for self-awareness. I’m referring to a high-level awareness that enables you to learn your “blind spots” a.k.a. weaknesses.  

Advisers should be rewarded for their expertise, not sales skills

Added on January 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary:  We had a conversation recently with a financial adviser who recounted how he'd spent several hours with a client who had just inherited significant funds from a close relative. The client was wrestling with how to adjust to this steep change in his personal wealth, while deciding how to reengineer his overall financial plan under these new circumstances.

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