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8 social media etiquette mistakes firms should avoid

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Common online habits and marketing strategies of advisers may be breaking all the digital rules without them even knowing it. Scott Steinberg, author of Netiquette Essentials, which was recently updated, said firms should avoid making these social media mistakes if they want to demonstrate proper digital manners.

How the CFP Board is courting the next generation of planners

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Amid growing worries that there are not enough new advisers to replace those who are retiring, the CFP Board's Center for Financial Planning is rolling out a host of new initiatives aimed at expanding and diversifying the workforce.

Scottrade Survey: Advisor Firm Evolution Begins with Value Proposition

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: While RIAs are adapting to new regulations, anxieties of client acquisition and other business concerns that could constrain their firm’s growth, many are looking to evolve their business by reassessing their value proposition.

Don't Be Like Most Advisors Who Won't Realize Their Business Vision

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: If you’re in the minority and exactly on track to realize your vision, then congratulations – it’s no small feat. If you’re in the majority then I’d suggest, humbly, that you need to look at your business planning very differently this year. Rather than thinking about incremental growth, I’d encourage you to think about your vision and the steps you need to take toward more transformative change.

John Bogle: Demise of fiduciary rule would be 'step backward' for nation

Added on February 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Vanguard founder John Bogle said in a New York Times op-ed piece today that annulling the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule “would clearly be a setback for investors trying to prepare for retirement.”

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