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Kitces: The next stage of adviser evolution

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: As the world of financial advice evolves, so do the services that advisers provide to clients, the business models by which we operate and the labels that we use to describe ourselves. In the past 50 years, our titles have changed from insurance agents and stockbrokers, to financial advisers and financial consultants, to financial planners, and now wealth managers.

Satisfied Advisors Provide Testimonials For Their Favorite Vendors

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Once an advisor becomes a vendor’s raving fan, a testimonial may follow. And that could mean more business for you. On their websites, outsourcing firms often list blurbs from advisors who share their positive experience and offer effusive praise.

Hiring Tips for Success

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: As an advisory firm the relationships you have with your clients is what I like to call “the secret sauce” of what makes your business successful.  The people that work in your firm largely drive the value that is delivered to your clients.  So the most important decision you make in the running of your firm is the selection of who joins your firm as a new hire.  

Should advisory owners always make growth their first goal?

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Look at almost any financial publication these days and there always seems to be a mention of one or more firms getting bigger from organic growth, merger or acquisition. Just from the sheer number of mentions you get the impression bigger is better and a good measure of success. This idea isn’t unique to the wealth management industry. Everywhere you hear about “growth,” “being great,” or “leading the industry” as necessary to survive in business.

Voices How to keep and nurture young talent

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: As firms compete to attract the next generation of talent, there are a few key steps that should be prioritized.

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