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Job Hoppers

Added on December 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summarry: Ortiz trained at the Culinary Institute of America and was a professional chef for a time. He now heads an advisory firm called The Financial Chef, which he operates out of a restaurant he owns in Coral Gables, Fla. He meets clients there over meals he cooks himself; a typical day includes breakfast, a late breakfast, two lunches, a late afternoon sushi snack and a dinner.  

Not shy, new planner jumps in with both feet

Added on December 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Treavor Dodsworth, 23, hasn't been shy about taking on as many new responsibilities as he can at NorthWest Financial Services Inc. In less than three months, Mr. Dodsworth has tackled a variety of new tasks at the Indianapolis-based firm, whose services include charitable-giving advice and estate planning.

A whirlwind of change — transitioning into the financial planning industry

Added on December 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: The last six months have been full of transition. The first wave of change was graduating from William Paterson University in New Jersey and accepting a job as an associate financial adviser with FJY Financial in Virginia. My emotions were mixed; I was thrilled to be offered an amazing job at a prestigious firm, but I was nervous about leaving my family and friends to move to a new, unknown city.

What Breakaways Get — and Don't Get — From Dynasty

Added on December 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: If the movement of wealth-management assets to the RIA channel is akin to a gold rush, New York-based Dynasty Financial Partners wants to be its Levi Strauss — a company that got rich selling supplies to miners instead of staking its own claims.

Vonnegut: A Bonus, Then a 'Bagel Paycheck'

Added on December 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: You’re pinching yourself. Hoping it’s not a dream. A branch manager from the evil empire just offered you $1.4 million to join his wirehouse. The upfront money is deceptive, warns Mr. Spitzer. As principal and interest are forgiven on an EFL, they generate ordinary income. And the ensuing taxes can reduce your take-home pay to zero.

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