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Fiduciary Training for Breakaways

Added on June 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: More than 14 years ago, Blaine Aikin launched his program to train financial advisors as fiduciaries. Each year, about 550 advisors on average have completed the program. 

Picking a B-D or Custodian? 10 Questions to Ask First

Added on June 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: When financial advisors decide to go independent, one of their most important choices will be choosing a broker-dealer and/or a custodian.

Breaking Away—When the Wirehouse Wants You to Stay

Added on June 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: For successful, entrepreneurially minded wirehouse advisors, the allure of going independent is a powerful, magnetic force.But as more and more top producers opt to launch their own shops free from the dictates of big-bank employers, wirehouses are trying harder to retain them—and their client assets part-and-parcel.


FINRA Needs Next Gen Talent Too

Added on May 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: So far, industry efforts to attract young advisors to the profession have been fragmented and slow-going. But the industry’s regulator is having its own problems recruiting next generation talent. 

3 Questions to Ask Before Going Independent

Added on May 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: As I reflect on the days when I worked with a large brokerage firm, I am reminded of the myriad of onerous rules that were placed on all client-facing advisors and support staff. Many of these rules were the result of actions taken by a few rogue individuals who cared more about their paycheck than the client’s well-being. As a result, compliance came to be known as the “business prevention” department. 

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