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Beat the competition with innovative client service

Added on February 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Volatility in the markets and the nervousness it can spark makes it a great time for financial advisers to rethink how they can create awesome service experiences for clients.

Teaming Up: Success Comes in Numbers

Added on February 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: You have probably used the word “teamwork” when communicating how to get things done efficiently and effectively in your practice. But do you know how RIA firms actually go about creating high-performance teams?

Reimagining Client Meetings With A More Client-Centric Financial Planning Process

Added on January 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The typical client meetings conducted as a part of the financial planning process are challenging. It starts with data gathering, but clients can’t easily produce the needed data to analyze the situation. Clients are asked about their goals, but often articulate ones that will just result in a plan that “fails.

Solid risk management system should include insurance planning to protect assets

Added on January 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As a financial service professional, you take upon yourself the role of helping your clients build their financial futures. Undoubtedly, during your years of training for this demanding profession, you have come across one of the many versions of the financial planning pyramid, used by financial advisers and consultants to explain the concept of financial priorities.

Adviser's Consultant: How to build a social media strategy that begets business

Added on January 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Google “New York wealth adviser” and David Edwards' Heron Financial Group is one of the first firms to pop up, due in part to his early and dedicated approach to social media.

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