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Announcing a Merger? You Need a Game Plan

Added on July 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Announcing a merger can be tricky, especially since there are many stakeholders who each need to receive the right message: employees, clients, prospects, referral partners/centers of influence, vendors, the community and the media. Your goal is to get each of these audiences excited about the change and address any fears they might have.

Boston Private Scoops Up Banyan Partners in $60M Deal

Added on July 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Boston Private Bank, a subsidiary of Boston Private Financial Holdings, on Wednesday acquired Florida-based Banyan Partners in a $60 million cash and stock deal.Wednesday’s deal adds more than $25 million of annual fee-based revenue and the combined operation will have approximately $9 billion in client assets under management and advisement, making it one of the largest wealth management companies in the U.S., according to Clayton G. Deutsch, CEO and President of BPFH.

Is It Time To Sell Your Business? 4 Strategies For A Successful Sale

Added on July 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Mergers and sales of companies are accelerating at a significant pace, and it is not just at the mega-merger level. Small and mid-sized companies are being swallowed up by larger companies flush with cash and ready to take advantage of the growing economy. Prices paid for companies are up 30 percent over just three years ago and with prices so tempting, many family businesses and small companies are considering a sale.

Advisor Merger Wave On Horizon, Tibergien Says

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The financial advisory business, squeezed by rising costs and a shortage of young talent, may be on the verge of a merger and acquisition boom, according to one of the industry’s practice management gurus.

Four keys to a successful acquisition

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: When a good friend recently purchased a house in an exclusive local neighborhood notorious for low turnover and minuscule inventory, we all congratulated her on an amazing find. When asked how she was able to discover such a rarely available home, she gave an interesting answer: “Sometimes the appearance of scarcity outpaces actual scarcity and that's when the determined buyer has more opportunities than you'd think.”

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