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6 Key Reasons Why IBD Advisors are Moving to the RIA World

Added on March 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: As the principal of a $300mm practice with one of the largest independent broker dealers (IBDs) in the country, “Alan” was feeling that his business had reached a plateau. Oddly enough, this isn’t the first time he’s felt this way. Some 16 years ago, Alan made his initial move to independence by joining a small regional independent broker dealer. After 12 years, he had grown to be the biggest practice there, yet felt constricted by outdated technology, limited platform and a lack of community. Ultimately, he felt as though he had outgrown the broker dealer.

Advice for the Career Change Advisor

Added on December 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: We often get calls from advisors wanting to know how to leverage their prior profession in growing their budding financial services practice. Many of these advisors have significant prior experience, so it’s a natural question to ask.

Josh Brown finds social media is paying off in some unexpected ways

Added on December 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: The amount of time most financial advisers spend on marketing could be trimmed dramatically by developing a consistent and well-crafted social media presence, according to Josh Brown, chief executive at Ritholtz Wealth Management.

My interview with Kaplan for their Ebook Getting There From Here: Career Path Stories from Finance Professionals

Added on November 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: In the fall of 2011, I was a brand new student at Florida International University. I was in business school, and one of the first classes I took was the intro to finance class. As a kid attending school after the financial crisis in 2008, I wanted to know how money worked. I absolutely fell in love with the process. Time value of money? It made sense.

How to retain clients after changing firms

Added on September 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Culturally modifying the French axiom to the American way, the updated version might be, “The more advisers change firms, the more advisers face lawsuits.” Nevertheless, many advisers think that the potential future rewards justify the risks.

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