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Are Brokerages Moving Away From Rep as PM Models?

From WealthManagement.com
Added on March 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: When the markets crashed in 2008, many advisors, and their clients, became disillusioned with the model portfolios and third party strategists on offer from their home offices.

6 Key Reasons Why IBD Advisors are Moving to the RIA World

From LinkedIn Pulse
Added on March 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: As the principal of a $300mm practice with one of the largest independent broker dealers (IBDs) in the country, “Alan” was feeling that his business had reached a plateau. Oddly enough, this isn’t the first time he’s felt this way. Some 16 years ago, Alan made his initial move to independence by joining a small regional independent broker dealer. After 12 years, he had grown to be the biggest practice there, yet felt constricted by outdated technology, limited platform and a lack of community. Ultimately, he felt as though he had outgrown the broker dealer.

Gaining Control of Your Career: 8 Steps to Aligning Your Aspirations with Reality

From LinkedIn
Added on March 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Hardly a conversation with an advisor goes by without discussing the desire to go independent. Having heard a lot about it – the freedom, flexibility, better take-home pay and the ability to build a true enterprise – many are sure that independence is for them. Yet, sometimes after digging deep, meeting with appropriate representatives, and really getting into the weeds during the due diligence process, some advisors reach the conclusion that – for a variety of reasons – what they thought they wanted doesn’t align with what’s ultimately practical. 


How Do You Know It's Time To Leave Your Advisory Firm?

From Nerd's Eye View
Added on March 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Finding your first good job as a financial planner can be tough. Not only because it’s challenging just to find a job at all, but because it’s not always clear up front which firms really do financial planning or not, and which jobs will be real financial planning jobs versus just a sales job.

Voices How new advisers can get over the hiring hump

From Financial Advisor
Added on March 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Why are some new planners having trouble finding a suitable job, even when there is a need for advisers at many firms?

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