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Number of RIAs Up 8% Annually Over 8 Years, Other Channels Decline

From Think Advisor
Added on December 2013 in Join an RIA
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Summary: “RIAs are the sole growth story in a shrinking industry” of advisors, said Bing Waldert, a Cerulli Associates director commenting on the findings in its Cerulli Edge-U.S. Asset Management Edition report released today. Specifically, the report says the number of advisors in the RIA channel grew at an annualized rate of 8% over the years 2004-2012, while other advisor industry channels declined by 1.2% to 2.5%.

Breakaway Brokers Reflect on the Branch Manager Role

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on December 2013 in Join an RIA
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Summary: In undertaking the disruptive process of leaving a full-service national brokerage — one of the four so-called wirehouses — for independence in the RIA channel, few breakaway brokers jump ship to escape their branch managers. Industry watchers and ex-wirehouse advisors say that changes in the role of the branch manager, especially as it has evolved over the past decade, have helped to fray the bonds between restive brokers and the companies they work for.

Custodians Invest in Colleges to Breed New Advisers

From Wall Street Journal
Added on October 2013 in Join an RIA
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Summary: The effort to groom more financial advisers at colleges, instead of relying on retail brokerages' training programs, has won support from the deep-pocketed companies that serve as custodians for registered investment advisers.

Cerulli Delivers Tough Message for IBDs on Recruitment, Market Share

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on October 2013 in Join an RIA
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Summary: A presentation by Cerulli Associates’ Tyler Cloherty and Patrick Newcomb at the FSI One Voice Conference in San Diego focused on trends impacting the IBD space, specifically recruitment and market share, both of which IBDs are losing.

Young(er) Advisors + Old(er) Advisors = (More) Successful Advisors

From Think Advisor
Added on October 2013 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Mark Tibergien has long warned about the looming talent shortage in the advisor industry. Pershing, where Tibergien released a report that quantifies the shortage and explores how successful advisors are bypassing the shortage by taking significant human capital steps now. How the advisor demographic challenge can be solved to everyone’s benefit—including clients

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