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My Move: Credit Suisse to Independence

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on April 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Financial advisor Hal Lambert left Credit Suisse in October to launch Point Bridge Capital, an RIA with offices in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas. He and his business partner, Jeff Wildin, had been with Credit Suisse since 2005; before that, they spent more than six years at J.P. Morgan. Point Bridge Capital manages over $200 million. The firm uses Pershing as its main custodian and the Dynasty Financial Partners investment platform.

The New Challenge for the Next Generation of Financial Planners

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on April 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: As financial planning education began to shift to colleges and universities in the 1980s and 1990s, culminating in an explosion of degree-based financial planning programs in the early 2000s, this process of how a financial planner is trained began to change. While the first generation of financial planners were salespeople who became financial planners, this next generation of financial planners are entering the workplace and are trained as planners from the start.

Billion-dollar teams inch into indie market

From InvestmentNews
Added on April 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Independent firms are gaining traction among a key group of financial advisers who once shied away from the channel: the $1 billion teams. Although Morgan Stanley and Raymond James were two of the top firms in adding assets in the first quarter, the other three spots were filled by some relatively new players, according to moves tracked by InvestmentNews' Advisers on the Move database.

14 Best Paying Jobs for College Business Majors: 2014

From Think Advisor
Added on April 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: “The business of America is business,” President Calvin Coolidge is claimed to have said back in the 1920s. That quote isn’t really accurate, but business schools around the country still turn out thousands of grads every year. Majoring in business might be popular (358,000 bachelor's degress were issued in 2009-10), but which jobs pay the best for those who majored in business is an interesting question.

'Brutalized' Breakaway Brokers Speak Out: 7 Stories From the Road to Independence

From Think Advisor
Added on April 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Advisors who break away from wirehouses or big regionals don’t expect a goodbye kiss. Instead, they often get hit right in the gut. ThinkAdvisor’s recent story about Edward Jones’ alleged treatment of feisty breakaway advisor John C. Lindsey, who fought back and won when the firm sued him for $5 million, struck a major chord with other advisors, especially those whose dream jobs turned into nightmare alley when they resigned.

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