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Key Steps to Breaking Away

From Financial Planning
Added on July 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: There is one overwhelming consensus that keeps financial advisors from declaring their independence: breaking away is difficult and puts that business at risk. However, this isn’t always true.  The move to independence can often be executed seamlessly, and result in a new firm that is positioned for greater success and faster growth.

20 Best & Worst Cities to Start a Career

From Think Advisor
Added on June 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: WalletHub has analyzed the 150 largest American cities to determine which areas provided the most opportunity for career starters. The site rated each city based on a total of 18 metrics in two categories: quality of life and professional opportunities.

Top 10 Metro Areas With Highest Pay for Advisors: 2014

From Think Advisor
Added on June 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: There are many factors that go into the decision of where financial advisors should ply their trade. Two years ago, ThinkAdvisor looked at the metropolitan areas in which advisors are paid the most. Now it’s time to update the info with the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

15 Cheapest Colleges With Best Job Value

From Think Advisor
Added on June 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: PIMCO chief Bill Gross famously (or infamously, depending on your point of view) questioned the value of a college education, considering tuition costs against future earnings. If you need to be convinced that a college education can be a good investment, flip through 15 Cheapest Colleges With Best Job Value.

Why I left a traditional RIA for a robo-adviser

From InvestmentNews
Added on June 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Before I moved to FutureAdvisor, I was working for a registered investment adviser with $50 billion in assets under management, expanding their high-net-worth business globally. I received rigorous training, mentorship and great opportunities as the firm expanded. I had every expectation of a long and successful career there. So why leave?

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