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Day one is make or break for retaining newly-hired advisers

From InvestmentNews
Added on April 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Do you remember your first day on your first job? I do, and I think it's an event that stays in almost everyone's memory bank. Hopefully, it is a fond memory. But some people doubtless have not-so-fond ones. Examples might include: the new manager who happened to be on vacation when you arrived, the HR department that could not locate your record, the quick handshake followed by a dreary day filling out forms, and lunch by yourself — once you found the cafeteria or a local spot.

Young advisers need help developing 'soft skills' for serving clients

From InvestmentNews
Added on April 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Daniel Mock, 24, is highly educated, graduating college with a double major in economics and political science. He later added a master's degree in quantitative economics. But when he started his career as an associate adviser with FMB Wealth Management last year, he lacked the communication skills that some more seasoned advisers take for granted.

Brokerages Use New Pitch to Woo Would-Be Advisers

From Wall Street Journal
Added on April 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary:  Starved for young talent, brokerages are trying to sell a new generation on the joys of becoming an adviser. One key to doing that, they have learned, is to not call advising a sales job.

Next gen advisers finding their niche in the industry

From InvestmentNews
Added on April 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Each of the six next-generation advisers InvestmentNews has followed over the past year — their first in the financial advice business — is finding his or her own focus in this changing industry.

Going Independent? Final Launch Stages

From On Wall Street
Added on February 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: While some aspects required in building an independent practice may not involve facing clients, they may be just as vital to generating equity value and sustaining success.

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