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Advisors Shouldn't Play Hard To Get When Switching Firms

Added on January 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: For the past 30 years, the conventional wisdom has been that advisors who want the best recruiting deals should flaunt bigger offers they have from rival firms to encourage other suitors to raise their bids. But is this really always the best strategy?

Voices 4 steps to successfully transition a practice

Added on January 2017 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Transitioning your practice from one advisory platform to another can be an efficient, well- thought-out project — or a complete disaster. For the most part, it’s in your hands whether or not the process is painful.

Is This Firm the Right One?

Added on December 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: The most stressful time for an advisor who’s thinking about leaving their firm is the time “in between”—that is, the time between deciding it’s time to go and actually making the leap.   

In battle over bonuses, why so many advisers lose it all in arbitration

Added on December 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Business was looking up for Mark Immel in January. The longtime adviser had just won a $450,000 arbitration case against his former employer, Raymond James & Associates, after a tumultuous four years that had cost him tens of thousands of dollars and many sleepless nights.

Advice for the Career Change Advisor

Added on December 2016 in Join an RIA
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Summary: We often get calls from advisors wanting to know how to leverage their prior profession in growing their budding financial services practice. Many of these advisors have significant prior experience, so it’s a natural question to ask.

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