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Is the Solo Advisor the New Old School?

Added on December 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: This year brought some of the biggest moves in recent memory. On Wall Street reported more than two dozen teams managing $1 billion or more in client assets switched firms. By comparison, less than 10 such teams made a move last year.

How Will a Move to Independence Affect a Family Practice?

Added on December 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: As trends in wealth management continue to upend the established order, bringing innovation, competition and transparency, intra-family wealth practices may wonder how a move to independence could affect their own family businesses.

Four ways to make a breakaway smoother

Added on December 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: With Thanksgiving over and the rest of the holiday season creeping up on us, now is the  time when advisers begin to finalize their business and strategic plans for the upcoming year. For many on the wirehouse side, that means laying the groundwork for a move to the independent space

60 Leading Schools for Financial Planning

Added on November 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: For planners looking to recruit as well as those looking for suitable programs, this comprehensive list of planning programs at five dozen colleges and universities across the country includes costs, enrollment and student-to-faculty ratios. Click through to see 60 leading programs listed alphabetically, or click here for a single-page version of the list.

The Increasing Allure of Super OSJs

Added on November 2015 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Given how they marry intimacy to scale, perhaps it is no surprise that in recent years, large regional advisory hubs known as offices of supervisory jurisdiction have proven increasingly popular.

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