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Shrinking talent pool puts strain on advisory firms

From InvestmentNews
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Jon Yankee suddenly found himself in a hiring crunch last month. One new financial planning graduate who had accepted an associate adviser position with his firm, FJY Financial, abruptly backed out, and later that week, a midlevel adviser notified the small, 11-person firm that she wasn't returning from maternity leave.

We're (Only) Human: Why Don't Advisors Market That Way

From SEI
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I had never listened to a podcast. I felt I didn’t have the time and I was too easily distractible to maintain focus while driving or working around the house. Well, I am not going to say I am a convert yet, but I have listened to a few more (and liked them) – I even just participated in two as a guest (more about that in a second).

Voices An often overlooked potential successor

From Financial Plannning
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Much has been written about succession planning, with the focus of the successor either being another financial planning firm or a younger planner within the firm. But there is an important third option: Wealthy clients who become career changers.

Five Key Technology Questions for Every RIA

Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Properly managing technology is essential to your firm’s business health and keeping your clients’ personal information safe. It can also help you to gain a competitive advantage and do better business In our first guest blog post, Wes Stillman, CEO of RightSize Solutions provides ‘5 Key Technology Management for Every RIA' to help you refine your cybersecurity and technology management plan.

Voices Succession planning as a blueprint to follow

From Financial Planning
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Succession planning is both a vital component of doing business as well as a valuable resource to build stronger leadership values and guide decision-making processes.

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