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How Advisers Become Better Bosses

From Wall Street Journal Online
Added on August 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Many advisers are good at math and have a feel for the markets. Most also have a knack for networking and sales. The most successful ones set ambitious goals for themselves and their business. They want to win, and to do right by their clients. But advisers must rely on staff. Leading them well, and keeping them happy, becomes even more important as a practice grows and more tasks need to be delegated. If it grows enough, the adviser may find he or she is also managing other advisers.

Advisors help small-biz owners keep it in the family

Added on August 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The statistics on the unhappy fates of family businesses are well known in the wealth-management world. Only 30 percent of family businesses make a successful transition from the founders to the second generation, 13 percent make it to the third generation, and just 3 percent make it to the fourth.

Step by Step: Tips for Onboarding New Staff

From Financial Planning
Added on August 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Few companies aim for high turnover and low productivity. Yet many lack a clear strategy for onboarding new staff, and the lack of an onboarding process has been shown to increase employee turnover and decrease productivity.

Ric Edelman Seeking to Hire a Successor

From Financial Planning
Added on August 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Ric Edelman is looking to hire a successor.The founder of one the largest RIAs in the country is actively headhunting for a new president and chief operating officer for Edelman Financial Group -- and hopes the new hire will ultimately replace Edelman himself as CEO.

Good Millennial Advisors Don't Grow on Trees

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on August 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Hiring millennials can pump new life into an aging advisory workforce. Keeping them around and making sure they’ll succeed is another matter, says The Wall Street Journal.

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