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Three RIAs, three big-time hires and the story of how it all came together

From RIABiz
Added on December 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Dwight Mikulis, Steve Janachowski and Marty Bicknell reveal their contrasting hiring styles and why chief operating officer is the job du jour in the RIA industry.

How to Develop More Female Executives

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Despite the past two decades of employer efforts to improve gender diversity and equality in the workplace, women remain underrepresented at most levels in the workforce and are not progressing in their careers.

When Teaming Up Becomes a Necessity

From WSJ Online
Added on November 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Teaming up with a younger partner is often a smart move for a financial adviser. Sometimes it’s the only move. Barry Krane found himself feeling that way when one of his six children was diagnosed five years ago with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare bone cancer.

Step by Step: How to Hire & Train New Advisors

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: For years now, it’s been getting more difficult and expensive to find and train good advisor professionals. At our firm, we see this as a consequence of an industry growing up — as the industry matures, it becomes more challenging to find, train and retain the right people

Half Of RIAs Have Already Identified Successor, Schwab Study Says

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on November 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: About half of RIAs have a succession plan in place that outlines who will take over the firm. Moreover, of those firms who have procedures in place, 37 reported said their successors are “extremely prepared” to take the reins and lead the company into the future, according to latest Independent Advisor Outlook Study, released Wednesday by Charles Schwab at its annual IMPACT conference in Denver.

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