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'Dying at your desk' is no succession plan

From Financial Advisor
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Many advisers are fond of saying that they expect to die at their desks. When such a plan isn't paired with a fully realized succession strategy, Tim Chase, a CFP and co-founder, partner and chief executive of WMS Partners, isn't amused

Ensuring a smooth transition

From Financial Advisor
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: For those who run their own registered investment advisers, having a long-term succession plan in place is critical to safeguarding the continued success of both the firm and the clients they serve.


Voices The five Cs of succession planning

From Financial Plannning
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: An advisory firm is the practice owner's baby, and that person may have spent his or her entire career building the business, but that inevitable day is fast approaching when thought must be given to a successor

The Young & Talented: Steps to Attract Gen Y Advisors

From Cruz Consulting Group
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Some call them millennials, others call them Gen Y. Some even call them echo boomers, because their parents are part of the baby boom generation.

Voices A new twist on succession planning urgency

From Financial Planning
Added on May 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Although the drumbeat for succession planning has been getting louder over the years, the industry continues to remain woefully unprepared.

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