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For Sellers Only

Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: There are 3 things a rider does when he jumps a fence: look up, heels down and release. Many advisors should be thinking about their next jump whether it’s an internal succession or a sale to an outside firm. The exit struggle exists because advisors can’t picture what’s beyond the jump that is succession.

Tips for Recruiting Millennials

From Financial Planning
Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Don’t try to recruit millennials by emphasizing the money they'll make or the firm's reputation.Those things don't matter much to them, said Amanda Smith, a senior vice president and head of marketing at National Financial, during a presentation at BISA's 2015 annual convention.

Young Clients A Growth Opportunity For Advisors, Report Finds

From Financial Advisor Magazine
Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Financial advisors should target younger clients because they will grow faster and give advisors a fundamentally sounder book of business, according to PriceMetrix, a practice management and data services company.

Independence to Increase Enterprise Value

Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: You spend your most productive years building an advisory business. You earn your clients’ trust and develop the relationships over time. They are your clients because of the service provided by you and the team you have assembled.

Ten Reasons Why Advisors Sell Their Firms

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on March 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The volume of dealmaking in the wealth management industry is grossly understated, Dan Seivert, CEO and founder of ECHELON Partners, told advisors earlier this week at Pershing Advisor Solution’s regional conference. His firm estimates between 3,000 and 9,000 people are breaking away and joining other firms, compared to the 700 to 800 breakaway deals reported in the media.

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