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How To Go Robo

From WealthManagement.com
Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Jonathan Swanburg, a 31-year-old financial advisor in Houston, was intrigued by the idea of opening up an automated investment platform for his clients. He’d heard about the so-called “robo-advisors” that were attracting a lot of attention and capital, along with equal measures of hype and skepticism. Unlike many, he recognized the advantages, especially as a way of serving a new, less affluent market, and was eager to jump in.

Advisor Talent Crisis Lingers

From On Wall Street
Added on June 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary:You've heard the warnings before: the advisor ranks are graying. Yet little progress has been made to mitigate a widely accepted problem that could snowball into a talent crisis. More than 70% of brokerage and RIA executives say there is a shortage of new advisors to replenish the ranks, according to a new survey by Fidelity.

Catastrophic Succession Planning

From Think Advisor
Added on June 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: As a financial advisor, you assist clients in planning for their futures. But have you planned for the future of your own practice? What happens to your business if tomorrow you are permanently disabled or die? Where do your accounts go? Will your spouse or other beneficiaries receive economic benefit from your practice?

Thriving in Tomorrowland: How Advisors Can Adapt to Change

From Think Advisor
Added on June 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary:One of the great comic scenes in early television starts with Lucy and her best pal Ethel, of “I Love Lucy,” wrapping chocolates on a production line. “If one piece of candy gets past you and into the packing room unwrapped, you’re fired!” threatens the supervisor.

TD Ameritrade to Join Robo Race

From Financial Planning
Added on June 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summarry: TD Ameritrade is joining the crowd of firms intent on building a robo advisor, although it immediately notes that its product will be less "robo" and more expensive than some of its competitors' offerings.

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