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Women still underrepresented in Financial Planning, but they're at the top of the class!

From LinkedIn
Added on August 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The financial planning profession is a really wonderful profession with some very wonderful people.  If you went into a mad scientist lab to create the perfect profession, you'd come up with everything that makes financial planning great.

How to Recruit Your Junior Advisor

From On Wall Street
Added on August 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: In searching for a junior partner for her practice a few years ago, advisor Donna Drosner went through several candidates, but none were the right fit.

NextGen Advisors Seek Client-Facing Roles

From WealthManagement.com
Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: For firms looking to put recent graduates to work drafting financial plans, would-be advisors say that’s not what they want. Instead, they desire positions with a first-hand view ofhow financial services can help clients.

Perspectives on Meeting the Millennial Recruitment Challenge

From Think Advisor
Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The financial advisory business faces a classic good news/bad news situation ‐ one that presents both opportunities and challenges. On the good news side, the number of investors using a financial advisor is expected to increase 27 percent by 2022. Counter‐balancing that outlook is a looming shortage of experienced financial advisory professionals. Market research firm Cerulli projects that approximately 25 percent of advisors plan to retire or leave the industry within the next 10 years, and for every eight advisors who retire, only three are trained to replace them.

Voices: Rajini Kodialam, on Proactive Succession Planning

From Wall Street Journal
Added on July 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Succession planning is an area I’ve found to be lacking in the financial advisory profession. A large number of advisers haven’t mapped out how they will transition their portfolio when they become unable to service their clients. Similar to writing your will, you may not view succession planning as an especially urgent or pleasant item on your agenda. But it is important to get a clear idea of who will manage your portfolio after you so you can better protect all interests associated with your practice.

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