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Schwab's Hathi: The biggest recruiting mistakes RIAs make

From InvestmentNews
Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: VIDEO: Neesha Hathi of Charles Schwab Advisor Services says recruiting at RIAs often lacks structure and overlooks the need for diversity.

Making That New Hire Work Takes Patience and Planning

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: A financial-advice firm is only as good as its people — a fact that can add tremendous pressure to integrating a new hire into an existing team.With this in mind, we talked to a few advisors about their experiences looking for the right fit in a new employee. Their missteps and solutions offer strategies for how to build a capable team that supports growth and expansion.

Succession Planning as the "Anti-Ending" strategy

From LinkedIN Pulse
Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Last week, at Bob Veres' Insiders Forum in Phoenix, I attended a great presentation on succession planning by Pershing's Mark Tibergien and Gabe Garcia.  They addressed the reluctance many advisers have to plan for and execute a succession strategy because they view it as an "ending" of their leadership.

13 Tips for Hiring NextGen Talent

From Financial Planning
Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary:So you want to hire young planning talent. It's a timely goal as the planning industry continues to struggle with a severe lack of qualified younger recruits, at the same time that many young planners complain they can't find work.

Energize Your Firm By Hiring A Top-Notch Staff

From FA Magazine
Added on October 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Successful hiring requires a careful process. It’s almost an art form. When financial advisors tell me they’ve always had “bad luck” in hiring, I usually discover they’re hiring people with the wrong skills or attitude (causing the advisor to fire them) or they aren’t paying their employees properly, they aren’t treating them well or they are failing to give them opportunities to grow in their careers, any of which can cause employees to quit.

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