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Mid-Market Boomers Struggle to Find Successors

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on March 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: In the next 10 years nearly 70,000 advisors will retire, yet a 2015 State Street Global Advisors report contends that two-thirds of advisors who own their own firms have no succession plan in place

The keys to successful succession planning

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Adviser Neil Hokanson spent several years considering different succession strategies for his $570 million advisory firm, which he had nurtured for 25 years. He wanted a deal that was reasonable for Hokanson Associates' five shareholders and offered his 12 employees career opportunities. But his 270 clients were really at the top of his mind.

Wealth Adviser Daily Briefing: Tackling Adviser Succession

From Wall Street Journal Online
Added on March 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Succession is an issue for advisers and their clients nationwide at a time when the average age of registered investment advisers is estimated to be in the mid 50s, reports The Wall Street Journal. The problem is many independent advisers are the sole professionals in their firms and about 62% of those advisers don’t have a succession plan, according to Boston consulting firm Aite Group

How to Get the Most From Your Exit Planning and Cash Flow

Added on March 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: In this series, we discuss the BEI's Seven Step Exit Planning Process. We started with a comparison of Exit Planning and succession planning and followed that with establishing the foundation for an owner’s plan: the owner’s goals.

Succession Planning Through Smart Growth

From WealthManagement.com
Added on March 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The best succession plans are the ones put into place long before they are needed. Rarely, however, does this actually happen.

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