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Three Tips To Remain Relevant In The Robo Era

From WealthManagement.com
Added on July 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Over the past five years, robo advisors figured out something the rest of the wealth management industry did not – accessibility and convenience are paramount for investors. The business of being an advisor today is just as much about being a service provider as it is being an investment expert. 

Closing the Gender Gap in Financial Careers Requires Creativity

Added on July 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: What’s behind this gender imbalance in professions geared toward giving people financial advice? A study conducted on behalf of the CFP Board Women’s Initiative Advisory Panel aimed to find out.

The Best Three Ways for Independent Advisors to Retain Top Employees

From WealthManagement
Added on July 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: From severe market volatility, including recent Brexit-driven dramatic market fluctuations, to the rise of robo advisor platforms, to dramatic regulatory changes, many independent advisors have a long list of what they view as the biggest potential threats to their business.

5 Strategies to Attract Millennial Advisors

From Think Advisor
Added on July 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Hartford Funds convened a roundtable of millennial advisors to discuss what the industry needs to do to attract younger advisors.

5 steps to elevate the next generation

From InvestmentNews
Added on July 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary:  As an independent firm grows, the role of an owner evolves from being a player on the team, to leading and managing an organization. Eventually, size and complexity will drive the need for greater professional management to help drive the owner's vision. Firms facing this need have three options: have the owner move into professional management and reduce responsibilities, elevate next generation professional talent from within or hire professional management from outside.

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