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Is cyber insurance worth the cost?

From InvestmentNews
Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary:  President-elect Donald Trump has suggested that delivering messages via courier is the only way to protect data from hackers. But cybersecurity experts have a more practical solution for financial advisers: Craft plans for preventing, detecting and reacting to cyberattacks — then protect the business with insurance.

RIAs embrace the collegial world of study groups

From InvestmentNews
Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: One might assume the last thing a busy financial adviser would want is another meeting on the calendar. But when it comes to organized study groups with industry contemporaries, it seems RIAs can't get enough.“

Is It Time To Ditch Your Employee Annual Performance Review Process?

From Cruz Consulting Group
Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The traditional annual performance review is losing favor with some advisory firms, but without a systematic approach to reviewing advisers, operational and support staff performances how can you objectively determine pay raises, bonuses and promotions?

PFI Advisors White Paper: Innovative Lending Solutions in the RIA Space for Breakaway Advisors

From PFI Advisors
Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: [Whitepaper] We have determined that advisors thinking of breaking away should not let the fear of inadequate lending solutions for their clients deter them from considering the independent space. In this white paper, the third in our industry series, we examine several of the many avenues available to RIAs looking to provide sophisticated, competitively-priced lending solutions to their clients.

The Practical Math of Succession

From LinkedIn Pulse
Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: You have spent a lifetime building a successful financial advisory practice from the ground up. You worked day and night to make sure your new venture succeeded, and you always put the best interests of your clients first when making investment recommendations. You helped your clients build their workplace plans and IRAs into solid nest eggs for their retirement years, and now it is your turn.

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