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Next-Gen Advisor Shortage Demands Hiring Reforms

Added on January 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Even if colleges ramp up degree programs in financial planning and related fields, advisory firms are going to have to rethink their hiring philosophies to meet the growing demand for investment advice, according to industry representatives and academics.

Ten Predictions for Advisors in 2014

Added on January 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Every year brings its own set of challenges, as unseen trends suddenly emerge while older trends come to fruition, as unexpected market events make fools of the prognosticators and disruptive technologies change our lives. Here are 10 issues to think about as we enter 2014 – offered with humility and respect for the world's ability to surprise us.

Pershing Chief: Advising 'Isn't a Boomer Business for Long'

Added on January 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: If the graying financial services industry is to replenish the ranks of retiring advisors and brokers, firms and trade groups must take a more active role in promoting the field to millennials and countering the tendency of young people to associate all professions in the sector with the worst excesses of Wall Street.

Is Your Firm Ready?

Added on January 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: If you went to sleep tonight and didn’t wake up, would you entrust your family’s money to your wealth management firm? Does your firm have a succession plan that would kick in for this type of crisis that would leave your heirs (and your clients) safe and secure?

Advisors: How to Retain New Hires

Added on January 2014 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: By now you should be aware of the talent shortage and recruiting challenges facing the financial planning profession. So once you do finally get everyone onboard and in the right seats for your organization, what should you be doing to ensure that your culture and management mentality perpetuate an attractive place for them to work and grow for years to come? Here are some things to remember and tips to consider.

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