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State regulators to require continuity plans

Added on April 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: State securities regulators have advanced a model rule outlining policies investment advisers should have in place to respond to natural disasters or the death or incapacitation of an executive.

The Future of Your Practice Is in the Hands of NextGen Investors

Added on April 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary:  Many advisors have built successful businesses by catering to the financial needs of baby boomers, but those clients are heading into retirement and switching their focus from accumulating assets to liquidating them. In order to keep their businesses vibrant, advisors need to prepare for what comes next and have a plan for replacing that lost revenue from managing that shrinking pool of assets.

Efficient Technologies Inc.Takes Advisors to the Next Level

Added on April 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: His company does for advisory clients what I wish my doctors would do for me: enables advisors to populate all their forms with the information that their clients provide one time—online. It may seem like a small thing, but it’s the kind of service that clients will appreciate, and remember. 

How To Prepare For An Advisor's Unexpected Death

Added on April 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Paul Saganey, the president and founder of Integrated Financial Partners, a fee-based financial services firm in Waltham, Mass., faced a situation that no executive ever expects. In the past year and a half, three financial advisors working for him passed away.

5 Ways to Tap the Power of Interns

Added on April 2015 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: For the most part, the interns have been smart, dedicated and a joy to work with. Sure we had a few that we didn't think made a good fit, but it was easy to part company because there was no expectation of longer-term employment. Here are a few tips we learned that can help you find just the right intern.


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