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eMoney's Ed O'Brien: Want young advisers? Invest in software, not filing cabinets

Added on June 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Advisers have been bombarded with warnings to embrace a digital practice in order to stay relevant, but they just need to take one step right now, says eMoney Advisor CEO Ed O'Brien.

The Solo Advisor Is Anything But Dead

Added on June 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: With more than half of all advisors in teams, consensus among opinion-makers in the wealth advice industry holds that independent sole practitioners – generalists by necessity – are a dying breed as more specialized FAs at ever-bigger firms come into their own.

Your Hardware Health Checklist

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Most advisors are aware of the technology that requires the most attention in their firms: software, product vendors, processes and best practices. Given this understandable order of things, it often happens that the hardware your firm uses becomes somewhat of an afterthought.

Advisors Shouldn't Count On Their Children As Continuity Plans

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Having a family member in the business is not a guarantee of a robust succession plan. And it is definitely not a guarantee to preserving business value. 

Advisors: The Choice Is to Evolve With the Rest of the World or Become Irrelevant

Added on May 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: There is a resistance to new technology and new ways of doing things, most noticeably when it comes to using new marketing methods, such as social media.

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