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Seven Steps to Identify Your Niche As An Advisor

Added on August 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: In an increasingly competitive market, differentiating yourself from your competition by articulating the value you offer is an important component of success. Problem is, a competitive market makes achieving that differentiation harder to accomplish.

What interns do and should not do for advisory firms

Added on August 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Many financial advisory firms have said goodbye to their summer interns in recent days and some have learned a few secrets over the years to make the process of hiring, employing and keeping in touch with these pre-professionals a rewarding experience.

How Robo Technology Will Take Independent Advice to the Next Level

Added on August 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Like many folks these days, I get a lot of alerts on my iPhone. Some are important—such as a check deposited in my bank account, a bill that needs to be paid, the monthly diagnostics on my truck or my accountant telling me to make my quarterly income tax deposit. Others, not so much: a new email from my sister, or Amazon telling me about a new book by Walter Mosley or that the Browns are going to start RG III at quarterback (Okay, that’s pretty important).

The young and talented: Steps to attract Gen Y advisers

Added on August 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Whatever you choose to call them,Gen Y, made up of people born roughly between 1977 and 1992, makes up the largest proportion of the U.S. labor force. This means that you probably have at least one working for you right now or, if not, your next hire may well be one. So understanding what they want from their jobs is becoming increasingly more important.

How to let go: Best practices for succession planning

Added on August 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Handing over your life’s work is a process at once emotionally taxing and strategically complex. For advisers running their own RIAs, having a long-term succession plan in place is critical to safeguarding the continued success of both the firm and the clients they serve.

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