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Succession planning case study with industry legend Tim Kochis

Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: [PODCAST] Succession planning is a critical yet woefully neglected business necessity that could cost advisors millions of dollars if not properly handled. Today’s guest, Tim Kochis, is the co-author of a new book on succession planning titled, Success and Succession, and we dive into the details of how to effectively do it. 

Making 2017 Your Best Year Ever

Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Because it’s human nature to improve, every year about this time many financial advisors wonder, “How can I make this my best year ever?” Here are a few ideas to help you achieve that goal.

Five Facts About CCO Liability

Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Just because your title, CCO, contains the word "Officer" doesn't mean you are a corporate officer and required by law to be indemnified by your employer.

Six Things Family-Owned Firms Should Know About Succession Planning

Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: For family-run firms, a crucial concern centers around ensuring the longevity of the business they’ve spent years building and the assets they may have accrued. It usually means the process of prepping children to take over the business itself, as well as any assets in the firm’s portfolio. NREI consulted with attorneys specializing in succession planning for tips that family-run businesses may want to keep in mind.

AdvoKate: A Woman on a Mission

Added on January 2017 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: When it comes to nourishing the future of the RIA industry, TD Ameritrade Institutional’s own Kate Healy is a woman on a mission. Determined to reach back and lift others up, she’s a constant presence at industry conferences and events — leading the charge to educate and encourage current and future advisors. She has so much knowledge and inspiration to share, we’re pleased to introduce her new blog series “AdvoKate.”

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