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Custodians jump into the robo game

Added on October 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Custodians, those longtime third-party guardians of customer securities, are launching new products that give traditional registered investment advisers the technology to compete against so-called robo-advisers.

Three ways top-performing firms stand out

Added on October 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Each year, InvestmentNews' benchmarking series looks at how top-performing firms rise above market conditions and industry competition to set themselves apart. This year's study — the InvestmentNews 2014 Financial Performance Study of Advisory Firms — is no different.

1 in 4 Gen Yers Trust 'No One' for Financial Advice

Added on October 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: People starting their careers often worry about their finances, and many don’t know whom to trust for advice, according to a study published Wednesday by Fidelity Investments. Thirty-three percent of survey participants in the 25-to-34 age group — millennials or Gen Yers — identified their parents as the top choice as advisors on money matters, but 23% said they trusted “no one” when it came to advice about money, making this the second most common response.

Millennials Growing Out of Financial Fears

Added on October 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Multiple studies have found millennials, the generation born after 1980, tend to be pretty conservative when it comes to investing. A March study by the FINRA Foundation found just 25% of millennials consider themselves risk takers, while a survey from MFS in February called those “recession babies” a “lost generation of investors.”

The differences between NextGen and senior advisers

Added on October 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: INFOGRAPHIC: Survey results draw lines between the generations of advisers

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