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Investment Advisers Seeing Growth Spurt, Study Shows

Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Investment advisory firms, on average, had a 28.2% operating income margin last year, up a percentage point from the year before and six percentage points higher than 2011, according to a study released Friday by Charles Schwab

How advisers are advancing financial literacy

Added on August 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: To get a sense of the financial risks that students and young graduates face when entering the workforce these days, consider that student debt ballooned to $1.35 trillion this year and shows no sign of abating, according to the Federal Reserve. Also, most Americans graduate from high school and college without financial literacy training.

Tech is altering client behavior. Are advisers willing to adapt?

Added on July 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: [VIDEO 1.21] "The way that we deliver advice has to change," says United Capital CEO Joe Duran.

Slideshow Summer reading list: Part 2

Added on July 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Our earlier summer reading list was such a hit, a sequel was a must. Here are more suggestions from wealth management executives and industry experts that advisers should not miss. These books will help planners buttress their practices and client strategies, while satisfying their literary appetite.

Americans Want Human, Not Robo FAs, But Face High Retirement Insecurity

Added on July 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: When it comes to financial advice, most Americans prefer a combination of human advisors and technological solutions, according to a recent study from Northwestern Mutual. But given a choice between the two, consumers overwhelmingly favor human advisors, the study found.

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