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Analyze Your Practice To Find Profits and Productivity

Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: An in-depth analysis of how you and your team are spending your time is a key step in building a sustainable practice that achieves the goals you’ve set for your practice and your life, says Susan A. Riley-Hayes, who owns Highpointe Wealth Advisors speaking at SourceMedia’s Women Advisors Forum in Chicago.

Can Advisors Actually Measure Success?

Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Practice management experts frequently seem to be urging you to create a scalable enterprise, acquire professional management and develop clear metrics that will help you make better operational decisions. It appears that the profession is going through a phase where thousands of practices are taking this advice to heart, becoming businesses either through mergers of equals, acquisitions of firms of retiring advisors, or hiring key employees and turning them into partners.

Want to keep the inheritance in-house? Try a different approach

Added on November 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial advisers who want to keep managing the wealth their clients' children will inherit should be approaching those kids very differently than the way they appeal to their parents, a generational expert told advisers.Generation X, 34 to 48, and Millennials, also called Gen Y, who are 13 to 33, want an adviser who will teach them but not "tell them" what to do.

Taking control of your future: scale, value and certainty

Added on October 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Most advisors think about their future in terms of growing their business, working with clients to achieve great outcomes, developing employees and achieving work/life balance. aRIA had its second meeting in October 2012 and came up with a shared point of view of what each member is striving for in their business.

Advisor Headcount to Shrink Through 2017, Cerulli Predicts

Added on October 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The advisory industry will shed more than 25,000 financial planners over the next four years, down to just more than 280,000, according to research firm Cerulli Associates. It's bad news for the advisory industry overall, but there is some good news for RIAs.

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