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Webinar Replay: How to Achieve Marketing Success

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Industry studies show that high performing advisory firms market strategically. If you’re looking to move the needle and grow your firm, focusing on content and design can be a great place to improve your marketing: Our most recent webinar will help you:
- Learn how to develop a marketing content calendar
- Create consistent design brand guidelines
- Leverage marketing automation platforms

If Advisors Had A Dollar...

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: What would advisors do with an extra dollar? Most would put it towards growth opportunities, according to the 2015 Scottrade Advisor Services Study. This was the top answer among advisors of all sizes, although those with between $10 million and $100 million in assets were the most likely to spend that dollar on growth

Can Robo-Advisors Really Be Fiduciaries?

Added on December 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: How should robo-advisors be regulated? That’s a question the Securities and Exchange Commission must tackle, as assets managed by these firms will surge to $2 trillion in the next five years, argues SEC Commissioner Kara Stein.

Advisory firm owners balance rewarding performance with keeping a lid on compensation

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Adviser salaries have been stagnant for the past two years, but bonuses are up sharply, reflecting a willingness by employers to reward performance while at the same time keeping a lid on overall compensation.

Why you need a project plan when bringing on new technology

Added on October 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: With so many new or updated technology products available, it's not surprising that advisers are bringing on new tools all the time. It isn't easy though.Advisers need to consider a number of factors before acting: Who will be involved in the adoption process, who will champion the new software when it is rolled out, how long is it expected to take and in what ways will the product integrate with the current system.

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