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The 10 Best Business Books of 2016 for Advisors

Added on December 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary:With so many new business books published this year, it’s hard find the titles that will really make a difference to financial professionals. We pored over 200 new titles to find the books most focused on the needs of our readers and best able to help you be more targeted in serving your clients. Unlike previous years, 2016 did not produce a blockbuster finance book (think Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century from two years ago).

Meir Statman: What 'Normal People' Really Want From Advisors

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Behavioral finance authority Meir Statman caused something of a stir with his award-winning book, “What Investors Really Want,” published in 2010.Now, in an interview with ThinkAdvisor, the professor reveals an exclusive peek at his next book, “Finance for Normal People,” due in April from Oxford University Press.

How Millennials Will Change Your Business

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summuary: To any advisor dismissing or ignoring the millennial generation, a few words of insight: you are making a mistake. The largest generation in U.S. history, born between 1980 and 2000, numbers 90 million. Many millennials are still too young to have amassed significant savings, but by 2020, they will have $7 trillion in liquid assets, according to Wealthfront, and they are in line to inherit another $41 trillion from their parents and grandparents. A giant wave is coming at the advisory industry; you can either ride it, or be swept away.

Lessons learned after 30 years on Wall Street

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: As I reflect on my path, and that of other women on Wall Street, I have seen the good and bad. I am frustrated by the lack of progress in some areas, but encouraged by my peers, who have attained positions they would not have had when I started, or even 10 years ago. I have enormous respect for those women, because they had to succeed in a corporate atmosphere where merit can be less important than politics. In watching them, as well as reflecting on my own success, I have learned invaluable lessons.

Taking Your Clients' Advice To Improve Your Advisory Firm's Services

Added on November 2016 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Financial advisors who start their own firms, like so many other entrepreneurs, are driven by a vision of how clients should be served, and then build a business to deliver those services. If the vision is a good reflection of what people really do want, and is well executed, the business is rewarded with success and growth.

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