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What Fee Compression? Advisor Fees Show Little or No Decline

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Reports of fee compression among financial advisors are overblown, according to new analysis from Envestnet, whose software helps financial advisors manage client accounts and enhance their practices.

Summer reading suggestions from top members of the financial advice industry

Added on May 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: It's that time of the year again! With summer's official start less than a month away, InvestmentNews has prepared a reading list for advisers comprised of recommendations from some of your top peers and experts. We asked for both professional and fun reads, with some insights into what makes these books so special.

An Open Letter to Advisors From an Unapologetic Life Coach

Added on April 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: There are a lot of “coaches” out there; some very qualified in our industry and some…well not so much. I know this is not a crowded marketplace because there are more advisors who need help building their practices than there are coaches who can handle the business. I, on the other hand, feel there is a different area that advisors need help and very few are helping. It is how to run a successful business without killing yourself, getting a divorce, losing your soul, or being a terrible parent. 

Professors give themselves a 'B' in financial literacy

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: A study of higher education faculty by Fidelity Investments found that while professors say they understand many fundamental financial concepts, they feel they need help in other areas, including understanding health care costs (34%) and choosing specific investments (32%).

Advisor vs. Adviser: The "Os" have it!

Added on March 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: In the long running battle over whether someone who gives professional advice is an "adviser" or an "advisor," the "o" side is clearly winning. An InvestmentNews survey of more than 550 readers found that nearly 83% refer to themselves as an "advisor," versus 17% who call themselves an "adviser

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