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Every Job Requires an Entrepreneur

Added on September 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The editorial challenges our government to get it right and support entreprenurial efforts to promote job growth. Schwab sites his own upstart in 1974 when that economy, like today, was bleak. Schwab urges the government to reduce regulatory roadblocks, enocurage entreprenurial investments, create a culture of certainty; all will breed the confidence that is critical for our country to thrive.

Bernie Clark and Tony Blair draw big crowds - but no protestors - at IMPACT

Added on November 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Bernie Clark rallies the troops stating that no one wants to leave this industry and that the ultimate open architecture
model is a great success and has spawned an entire industry which is just beginning. He indicated that Schwab will be launching a financing program to aid junior partners in succession planning.

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