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Office of the Future' Puts Advisor Technology on Display

Added on May 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fidelity Institutional announced Wednesday that is has opened an intriguingly named “Office of the Future” on its Smithfield, R.I., campus. The office was designed with input from the Fidelity Center of Applied Technology to address macro technology trends that have the biggest impact on advisors in the near future: mobile, pervasive video, evolving interfaces, cloud computing, social media, big data and gamification.

Misperception of Millennials Skews Financial Advisors' Strategies: SIFMA Panel

Added on April 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Courting millennial investors is a key challenge confronting the financial services sector. Industry professionals on Thursday discussed what these young investors want from their financial services firms during a panel discussion at SIFMA’s private wealth conference in New York.

Advisors: Are You Ready for the 1 Billion?

Added on February 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: In Investment Advisor’s October 2013 cover story, “Where Are All the Women?” Danielle Andrus suggested that financial firms need to reflect the diversity of their client base. That’s where things are going to get interesting, because there’s a mushrooming population of wealthy African-American, Hispanic and Asian-Indians in the United States. Moreover, 1 billion women are projected to enter the global economy over the next 10 years. Does your firm align with these trends?

Your Next Move: Straight To Video Marketing

Added on January 2014 in Other Ideas
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Summary: What you’re about to read is intended to help keep you from going viral for all the wrong reasons. That’s because, if executed correctly, the rewards of marketing with video should far outweigh any risks and serve to further distance you from your competition. This article focus on the ins and outs of marketing yourself as your firm, which means covering some basics about creating short, informational video clips which you can post on your website, upload to social media, or email to clients or potential clients.

Advisor Headcount to Shrink Through 2017, Cerulli Predicts

Added on October 2013 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The advisory industry will shed more than 25,000 financial planners over the next four years, down to just more than 280,000, according to research firm Cerulli Associates. It's bad news for the advisory industry overall, but there is some good news for RIAs.

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