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Back-To-School with Knowledge & Insight Digest

Added on September 2015 in Other Ideas
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Now that everyone is back-to-school, we wanted to remind you of a great resource that is available to all subscribers on the RIA Match platform.

Wearable Tech Goes Mainstream

Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Wearable technology is the blending of advanced electronics, sensors, and computing power into clothing or accessories that can be worn on the body. Wearables have come a long way, from smart glasses right out of a futuristic movie, to hidden fitness trackers that silently encourage us one step at a time. With the popularity of Fitbit and the fast-selling Apple Watch, wearables have burst into the mainstream.

10 Young Advisors To Watch

Added on May 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: According to a report by Cerulli Associates last year, only 11% of advisors at RIAs are under the age of 35, and almost half (47%) of advisors at these firms are over 55. That explains why the current generation of leaders in the profession continues to wring their hands over the scarcity of new advisors, prompting some to view it as a crisis.

The commoditization of the robo adviser

Added on April 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary:  In the process, established and emerging robo-advisers have begun to mimic each other, either through similar features or by echoing statements ripping into their bigger competitors.

Advisory fees rise above 1% after bottoming in 2013

Added on March 2015 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Fee-based pricing is on the upswing after falling for several years and landing under 1% in 2013, a new report shows. Advisers charged an average of 1.02% on client assets in 2014, compared with 0.99% the previous year, according to a PriceMetrix Inc. report released Monday that analyzes transaction and account data of 40,000 advisers.

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