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Best Practices to Hire, Train, and Develop Employees

Added on August 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: [VIDEO] Is there a right way to hire people? Just like there's no one perfect way to manage a team, there's no one perfect way to hire and train employees. However, there are best practices for doing so.

Is your firm one of the Best Places to Work?

Added on July 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Advisory firms affiliated with independent broker-dealers, as well as registered investment advisory firms, will now have the chance to nominate themselves for national recognition for their efforts to attract and retain great talent. Through this initiative, we'll highlight firms that have successfully engaged their employees through new and innovative workplace practices.

Advisors: How Can You Use Influencer Marketing?

Added on July 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Influencer marketing is the art of using paid endorsements from people who have attracted sizable and loyal audiences online. In a recent Digiday article about the real cost of influencer marketing, it stated that the going rate for an influencer recommendation was $1000 for every 100,000 Instagram followers they have. YouTube star Pewdie Pie, with his 50 million followers, earns a staggering $15 million dollars a year with endorsements and ad revenue. This is all to prove the point: influencer marketing is a very real thing.

Median RIA firm had 25% operating margins in 2016: Schwab

Added on July 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: The median registered investment advisory firm had operating margins of 25% in 2016 and assets under management of $593 million, according to the latest RIA Benchmarking Study from Charles Schwab.

Do's and Don'ts of Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for Advisors

Added on June 2017 in Other Ideas
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Summary: To be or not to be on social media: That isn’t the question. Today, it’s a must for financial advisors to have a digital presence, and that doesn’t mean just putting up a website and hoping prospects will find it.

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