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Big Schwab survey: RIAs surpass 2007 former peaks in assets and revenues

Added on July 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Schwab Advisor Services and the RIA channel have surpassed revenues and asset levels where they were pre-2008 meltdown and the stage is set for a new era of growth, according to the 2011 RIA Benchmarking Study from Schwab. Median standardized operating income recovered to 18.3% up from 14.9% in 2009. This, combined with strong revenue gains, produced a surge in profits of 45% at the average firm since 2009. Schwab’s Bernie Clark believes that RIAs are poised for growth after the challenges of the past few years. Palaveev feels that advisors now need to raise prices on their services which they expanded during the financial crisis.

Barron's top advisor shares the secrets to his success with rapt RIAs at TD event

Added on June 2011 in Other Ideas
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Summary: Ric Edelman’s view of the RIA world: The key to growing an advisory business into a corporate brand is scalability. Referencing the Starbucks model, he noted that “Clients must be secure in the knowledge that you can resolve issues with the same level of success.”  Make sure your infrastructure is in place before you advertise.  You will master technology or be crushed by it. Between the potential of technology to increase scale and the aging demographic, the industry can look forward to a massive increase in assets. 

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